
Crowdfunding your event

If your event budget doesn't seem to quite be enough to pull off the type of event you visualize in your mind, there is a relatively new source of funds for event planning. Crowdfunding uses the internet to appeal to like-minded individuals who each provide small amounts of money to help get projects funded.

These individuals use websites like to search for projects that interest them, and help them contribute to the bigger picture. For event planning, this can lead to some exciting options for funding, especially when dealing with events related to the arts or that benefit non-profit organizations. Crowdfunding in general and Kickstarter in particular are changing the way a lot of projects are getting funded.

Since their start just 4 years ago Kickstarter has had over 4 million people pledge over $618 million that has funded an amazing 41,000 creative projects. Anyone can get a project funded via Kickstarter as long as their guidelines are followed..

At the Wynwood District's Soho Studios, we have 65,000 square feet of space that can be used for concerts, an art gallery, and fundraisers. Our space can be used in variety of ways to showcase talent that may otherwise be missed by the mainstream media. If you are an event planner seeking a venue in Miami or Southern Florida, contact us as Soho Studios. We have a history of putting on events that range from the intimate to those that are global in nature. We can even help you in the development of your creative event, and help provide you with the information you may need to get Kickstarter funding.

Our team of experienced, creative people can be a tremendous asset when planning an event that involves the arts. Tap into that creativity. When searching for event space Miami, remember the importance the venue makes in the success of your event. Consider the versatile, creative atmosphere of Soho Studios.

Miami TV Kickstarter project

Everyone knows that Miami is the best place to produce a TV or film production. Sun, beach and sexy people makes it a delight to film in Miami. A new TV series is looking to take a different bite in Miami. This new TV series called SED and is a story that takes place in present time Miami, Florida, where some vampires live among humans without them knowing about it. SED already has $1,500,000.00 in funding and needs another $500,000.00 to complete its budget. SED has turned to Kickstarter to be the first major TV series funded by a crowdfunding platform like Kickstarter. Check out their Kickstarter video.

Want to know more about the cast and their background, check out this video.

This exciting project takes a different approach to the way TV series and Films in Miami are funded. This project will change the way other film studios in Hollywood fund their films. Rather than seeking millions of dollars in loans, film studios can now approach fans for funding without giving equity away. This is a great way to raise money while involving fans in the production stage of TV series and films. Who wouldn't want to see a TV series or film in the cinema that they knew they help fund? Take a look at their Kickstarter fund page.

If funded, this film project will be shot at Soho Studios over a period of several months. As the largest studio in Miami, Soho Studios makes it easy for film studios to produce their films in Miami. Soho Studios has over 100,000 sq ft of studio space in the heart of Miami and located in Arts district of Miami known as Wynwood.