production paradise

Burn Notice gets its Pink Slip

Miami is known for its glamorous criminality. Shows like Miami Vice and movies like Scarface are just some of the earlier productions that reshaped Miami’s image from a place to go when it’s time to retire to a sunny place for shady people. This makes Miami the perfect backdrop for any show where the good guys go after the bad guys, and in the case of Burn Notice, the ex-spy goes after the international criminal cartels.

Burn Notice came to Miami in 2007. Originally show producer Max Nix wanted the show to be set in New Jersey, a more believable location for recently dismissed secret agent Michael Weston to live out his own retirement, when the USA Network decided that they wanted a bigger contrast between the character and his environment and selected Miami as the location for Burn Notice. The name of the show comes from the saying “Spies don’t get pink slips, they get burn notices” and it looks like Burn Notice is getting its pink slip after all.

After a successful seven years of filming in Miami, Burn Notice has been cancelled. The show was being funded by production incentives from the Florida State Legislature and when Florida decided to cease funding the program Burn Notice decided to cancel the TV show after 111 episodes.  Although they still than enough financial support for at least two more seasons, rumor has it that the funding did not allow for higher salaries for the cast and an exhausted creative team.

In addition to Burn Notice, two other South Florida TV shows were recently canceled.  Magic City, a TV show set in Miami in 1959 about the owner of a luxury hotel, and The Glades, set in Palm Beach County, about Chicago detective who takes a position with The Florida Department of Law Enforcement. These two shows were canceled in August 2013 around the same time that the state’s production incentives stopped being funded.

For those of you are looking to see more of Michael Weston’s adventures, there has been talk of a movie or perhaps a spin-off of some sort. Although no one has asked the Burn Notice creators to write any scripts just yet, the series finale was left open ended. Burn Notice will be missed in Miami, and so will the production incentives that will allow state funding for future South Florida shows.

How to shoot a music video

In a world where content is king, video is king of content. Even pod casts are frequently shot on video because people want to see their entertainment. A music video puts you on display. It immediately creates a soapbox to spread your message from that people will flock to and share. Videos go viral. They reach eyes and ears that you'd never reach on your own.

It used to be that MTV was the only place to get seen, and that meant the backing of a major label, critical buzz and a whole lot of luck. With the rise of the internet, YouTube, Vimeo and other services if you're planning a video shoot in Miami not only will you have access to some of the most over the top party venues Miami has to offer you'll have hundreds of thousands of eyes waiting for you.

But you're an artist. You're a voice. You probably don't know how to shoot a music video like Pitbull. You need video production source of expertise and ability. Music video directors may not win Oscars, but they work very tightly. When you see a dozen women having fun and spraying champagne all over each other in a club with a laser light show in the background nothing happening in the scene is spontaneous.

From another angle that same set might be a completely different location. Most music videos are shot very quickly. Getting the most out every location is an amazingly valuable tool. Every angle needs to be captured and every jump cut, insert and cutaway needs to be shot. "What do you mean we didn't get that?" is not a good mantra in the editing room.

A choice of Miami video production offers some of the world’s most sophisticated and exciting clubs, beaches, boats and even dazzling architecture. This city of bright lights, culture and physical enjoyment is a fine marinade for inspiration. Good videos have made songs for you, and they've made them for your audience. Video remains king.


How to choose an event venue

When deciding suitability for an event venue, there are many factors to consider. Many people who put on an event really have no idea what they are getting into until they speak with an expert, or the cold reality catches up to them. Not every venue is the same. Some have wonderful acoustics that are ideal for live music, while other are better suited for parties and weddings.

The first thing on your list should be to consider your audience, or attendees. How many will be there? Do they need entertainment, or are you the entertainment? Having an idea about how much space you will need is a good idea. Then there is the issue of capacity and size with a venue. Just because a venue has a maximum capacity of 300 people does not mean that those 300 people will be comfortable at the location. It's also a good idea to start as early as possible to make sure there will be availability with the venues you are scouting.

Here are a few categories of things to consider and go over when considering a venue.


Call and talk to different venues when you are in the planning stages of your meeting or event. You may have a budget in mind, but unless you have done something like this before, you may not be in the ballpark on price. Consider the facilities that venues have when considering price as well. That little renovated theater in downtown may have the lowest price, but will they provide everything that you need? How do they handle payment if you are charging a cover charge?

Facilities and Infrastructure

Many venue managers will volunteer information and be helpful when you are planning and point out that you may be new at this. Make sure to let your contact person know that you are putting an event together and want to make sure you leave nothing out. Then you can consider the facilities and infrastructure of the venue.

What is the physical condition of the venue?

Do they have a concessions area?

Do they provide sound and/or lighting?

Is their parking area safe and well lit?

Do they have their own security, or will you need to hire off-duty police officers yourself?

These are many of the things that you should consider to have a successful event and leave a lasting image in your attendee’s memories.

Best way to sell concert tickets online

You have created the perfect event, chosen the ideal venue, and now the final step in the process is getting the tickets sold. The Web is an excellent way to promote your event and sell event tickets. With the right setup, you can -

Choose Ticket Types

First, you will need to decide on the ticket types you are going to sell. Will you have different ticket levels based on the location in the venue or the type of food served? Will certain ticket holders get to enter earlier than others? Determine the type of tickets you will offer, and then find an online ticket distribution program that allows you to set up sales to include those different ticket options.

Find an Online Ticket Distributor

Next, find an online ticket distributor that you can use to sell your tickets. There are sites designed specifically for ticket sales which have pre-made forms that you can use to capture customer information and credit card numbers. You will want one that makes registration easy for potential buyers and collects the information you will need to deliver your tickets. Complicated forms decrease your chances of successful sales. Also, watch for the fees charged by the sales page. While some fees should be expected, your potential guests will not want to pay exorbitant fees to attend your event and buy the tickets online.


Finally, once everything is set up for you to sell your tickets, you need to get the word out to those who are interested in attending your event. Visit forums, post articles and pay for advertising promoting your event, and point people to your sales page. Once people hear about your event and are drawn to your sales page, you will likely see many visitors converted into buyers.

As you are making plans for your coming event, be sure to check Soho Studios as a venue option. Our versatile venue can be used for everything from music festivals to trade shows. Contact us today to learn more about hosting your event at Soho Studios.

TV Shows in Miami

Why should a TV producer choose a Miami venue? The more logical question is “why wouldn’t he choose Miami?” Miami TV shows have been huge successes. They have absorbed the star power emanating from South Florida’s dazzling unofficial capital. 20121108-225336.jpg

It’s no wonder there’s so much television production in Miami, so much film production in Miami.

Miami is a cinematographer’s dream: big sky, spectacular beaches, lush greenery, Art Deco and Latin architectural touches. Snow will never shut down production. And if it rains, wait a minute. The sun will usually shine again before day is done.

In the 1980s, Miami Vice creator Michael Mann zeroed in on Miami, far from Hollywood, to launch his hit cop drama. The city practically shared star billing with the show’s sexy leads Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas.

In the same era, Miami proved a blessing for a very different -- but equally successful -- series: the long-lived sitcom, The Golden Girls, starring four veteran actresses.

More recently, Miami has been the lush backdrop for such high-action shows as Burn Notice and The Glades .And Metro Dade’s police department is the focal point of the quirky Dexter, cable TV’s longest running half-hour series. The first season of Dexter, featuring a sleuthing serial killer with his own code of justice, was shot on location in Miami.

The most iconic directors, representing all sorts of film genres, became aware of Miami's selling points. From John Ford and Alfred Hitchcock to Mike Nichols and James Cameron, they embraced the city’s assets. They made use of its vibrant cultural life, international air connections, tax incentives for the entertainment industry and well established tourism infrastructure.

Soho Studios Miami is an important part of the city’s entertainment-friendly culture. Encompassing an amazing 65,000 square feet, Soho Studios can accommodate just about any TV production needs.

Soho Studios is located in the Miami’s rejuvenated Wynwood district. Already home to thriving art and fashion industries, Wynwood -- like Miami as a whole -- is becoming a major hub for TV and Film production.

Production Paradise Listing

All of our successful events are do in part to our great presence and reputation in the industry. A recent listing as been of great exposure to the Miami production rental industry. A resource for rental space in the film and photography marketplace. Take a quick peak at the photos and information about Soho Studios on Production Paradise.