Pain and Gain

Pain and Gain Trailer

Michael Bay's new movie gets a new trailer and makeover showing more tongue in cheek humor this movie has to offer. This movie appears to have all the hallmarks of a dark movie with a sweet taste of dark humor The new red band trailer for Pain and Gain was released today and for all you Miami lovers this movie looks great!

Ken Jeong who famously plays the hilarious gangster in Hangover, also appears in Pain and Gain as a motivational speaker. Ken's character appears to be on the same wave length as Mark Whalberg's and realizes that he could be married and have another 7 wives at the same time!

Rebel Wilson (Brides Maids and Bachelorette)  also stars in this movie and provides that needed slapstick humor, most notably saying why you have  "chocolate-covered Raisinettes" to her fellow patient while drooling at the same time.

With muscles, severed toes, bromance, and based in sexy Miami, Michael Bay seems to do a great job with this movie and do it justice.

Other big directors should take note and remember that Wynwood is the next Hollywood. Also known as Miami's art's district, Wynwood has transformed into one of the hottest filming locations in Miami. If you didn't notice it, some scenes in this trailer show some Wynwood murals. Undoubtedly, Wynwood has all the characteristics any Hollywood director is looking for and at Soho Studios we get very excited when big movies are filmed in Wynwood like Step Up 4 back in 2011 at Soho Studios.

Soho Studios is the largest and best film studio in Florida. Based in the heart of Miami and in the arts district know as Wynwood we have all the needs any Hollywood director is looking for in our 3 studios.