Piguet at Art Basel Miami Beach

Careful brand marketing and creative development of a company’s brand image is now recognized as an essential element of any modern marketing strategy. In that context, Art Basel Miami Beach is now seen as a premier opportunity to showcase brands leading their industry in style and éclat.

Piguet at Art Basel Miami Beach

The event is one of the premier annual events in Miami, attracting global attention and extensive press. Many of the world’s leading brands use this as one of the ideal marketing platforms in Miami to promote or introduce new and innovative products. Marketing your brand at Art Basel Miami Beach is seen by many as a savvy decision.

This year’s Art Basel (5 to 8 December, 2013) is no exception. As the rarified world of luxury timepieces continues to experience consistent growth, the leading manufacturers of haute horology constantly strive to set their brands apart with event-specific marketing initiatives.

The Swiss manufacturer Audemars Piguet is a global Associate Partner of Art Basel. Leveraging this relationship, the company announced a new artist collaboration and added excitement to the show with a stunning installation piece.

The creation is a floating chalet that will be the focal point of Piguet’s events throughout the week of the show. The anachronistic perspective of an ice chalet from Piguet’s home in the Vallée du Jouxoff of sunny Miami Beach will be enhanced by the sense of a snow-covered structure floating on an iceberg. Piguet will also have a presence in the Collector’s Lounge, where it will also provide a retrospective of its classic Royal Oak timepieces.

The Art Basel is held annually in Miami, Switzerland and Hong Kong as three of the art world’s most trendsetting events for Modern and contemporary work. First held in 1970, the show provides visibility for art galleries and artists throughout the world and is instrumental in nurturing individual artists. The event space Miami residents know as the home of the show is located in the Wynwood Art District.