Soho Studios - Miami Event Venue For Rent

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Red Bull's Parchute Jump from Space

With experiential marketing, you can leave audiences begging for your next advertisement. By creating entertaining and astonishing ads, you will have a fan base that is loyal and ready to spread your work for you. Once the game changing Red Bull Stratos free fall became an online sensation, experiential marketing has become the holy grail of advertising in the digital age.

What was the Red Bull Stratos?

The Red Bull Stratos was an exceptional case in experiential marketing. The event was first made public in 2010, and it finally went live in October 2012. The Stratos featured Felix Baumgartner making a record breaking free fall through the stratosphere. Since then, the stunt has become famous for featuring the first person to break the sound barrier without an aircraft.

How has the Stratos helped Red Bull?

Since the Stratos stunt first appeared, Red Bull has become synonymous with technologically advanced stunts. The video, which can be seen here, has received nearly 35 million views and a high amount of acclaim. The video trended instantly on popular sites such as Reddit and Facebook along with multiple high ranking international sites as well.

With such an event as the Stratos, people will be much more willing to support Red Bull products in return for even more similar stunts. Their marketing campaign is now seen with anticipation. Instead of turning down the volume on a commercial, people are now anxiously awaiting to see what Red Bull will do next.

Experiential marketing in a venue in Miami

Experiential marketing is the technique of the future. By connecting with your audience on a personal level, you will be able to reap the benefits of loyalty, positive responses, and a strong social media presence. If you are planning for your next marketing event, then use Soho Studios to knock it out of the park. As one of the largest event space Miami, Soho Studios is ideal for concerts, trade shows, and other experiential marketing events.

With a photography studio Miami, you can ensure that your next marketing event has a truly professional sheen. With your creativity and Soho Studio's expert planning, you will be able to create a remarkable advertisement that grabs everyone's attention. For party venues Miami and more, contact Soho Studios to bring your work to the next level today.