The idea of happiness has been a central theme to Coca-Cola’s marketing for 90 years. According to a company press release, the “Enjoy Life” slogan in 1923 led to 1979’s “Have a Coke and a Smile” before Coca-Cola began using “Open Happiness” in 2009. As part of the Coca-Cola Institute of Happiness’ II International Congress of Happiness in Madrid in April 2012, the company hired Italian artist and University Francisco de Vitoria (UFV) professor Eduardo Zamarro to create an amazing mural comprised of Post-it notes. The end result is an incredible stop-motion video of the Post-It notes project.
Watch Video - Coca-Cola Institute of Happiness
According to a UFV press release, visitors left about one million Post-it notes over the course of 15 days containing various messages of happiness to contribute to the mural. Zamarro worked with the Post-it notes to cover a mural painted by UFV students of Architecture and Fine Arts and construct what would become the official poster of Congress. The result was a striking work of public art that was later exhibited on the façade of the Canal Theatre. However, this project was also a fine example of experiential marketing.
Experiential marketing is a term that refers to interactive consumer experiences like this Coca-Cola Post-it project, events that help individuals form a unique connection with a brand through memorable interactive activities. Nothing creates lasting memories that stay with consumers quite like these types of events, and Soho Studios offers one of the best venues in Miami for large, creative activities. Our 65,000 foot square foot multi-purpose space can host weddings, concerts, fashions shows and charity events, among many other types of occasions. If you are looking for a dynamic location for your events in Miami, contact the experiential marketing team at Soho Studios to let us show you some of the many things that our facility offers.