Throwing the best launch party EVER

Throwing a launch party can become your ticket to making a strong first impression. It can influence for good or bad how people view your brand. Launch parties are the time and place for attracting new clients and investors who want to take a chance on your brand.

How can you turn your launch party into an unforgettable event? Getting these elements right is a good starting point:


Location means everything with a launch party. Where you throw it should fit with the messaging for your brand. You can reserve the best party venue Miami has to offer, but the party won't work if the venue doesn't match your branding. If you are opening a new dance studio, for example, a launch party at a local club might be the right fit. A corporate launch party might be best suited to a convention center or hotel.


Who you invite to your launch party matters as much as the party itself. Your guest list should include a mix of potential clients, potential investors and representatives from the media. Send out a media advisory or press release announcing the launch party to local TV stations, radio stations, newspapers, magazines and bloggers related to your brand's niche. This will alert the right people to show up at the right time and in the right place.


Think beyond an open bar and dance music to keep your guests engaged at your launch party. Entertainment options work best when they incorporate the party theme. One excellent idea is to feature a live demo of the product or service central to the launch party. Live music, food and drink, games and raffles are other good entertainment options for launch parties.


Sponsors should play a huge role in your launch party. They can provide free food and drinks to guests. They can donate gifts to give to party guests. And they can donate a venue for hosting the party. Donations from sponsors can help you keep costs down so that your launch party doesn't break the bank.