Fusion Tattoo Ink and the Ink-N-Iron Festival

From August 6 to August 9, Long Beach’s Ink-N-Iron Festival will celebrate the area’s tattoo culture with live music, fashion shows, art shows and hot rods. This year, Fusion Tattoo Ink will empower the event with its biggest artists and finest designs. Long Island will empower over 20,000 people with cultural events and California’s forefront tattoo shops, bringing the country’s oldest body art scene to life.

The Tattoo Hall

Long Beach encases unrivaled potential when tattoo conventions are considered. The area’s tight embrace of history, entertainment and events is unique, and its own Tattoo Hall invigorates newcomers while pleasing old visitors. The three-day event will kick off on Friday, providing three days of extreme entertainment.

The Tattoo Hall features over 280 tattoo artists and is a prime location for Fusion Tattoo. Over 500 artists have submitted their portfolios beforehand, creating the show’s uniqueness on a year-to-year basis. Artists intending to flex their skills will be entered in competitions powered by Fusion Tattoo Ink. The existing competitive categories are Best Gray, Best Black, Best Portrait, Best Color and Best of Show Tattoo.

Fusion Tattoo Ink and Generating Allure

The body art industry is marketable when one brand controls a vast majority of creations. Fusion Tattoo Ink’s presence at the Ink-N-Iron Festival, in many ways, is more than an experimental marketing venture. The event’s array of artists, shop appearances and appointments are entirely reliant upon the tattoo ink brands featured. Fusion Tattoo Ink will be responsible for crafting some of the world’s best tattoo creations, invoking high quality designs with brand appearances and experimentation.

Allure is also created through the event’s media notoriety. Previous years have featured Scott Marshall—Spike TV’s winner of “Ink Master”. Los Angeles’s Nikko Hurtado from “LA Ink” has also made appearances, enriching the atmosphere with color-realistic designs alongside Germany’s master Randy Engelhard. The tattoo world is highly reliant upon television’s “big faces”, and the Ink-N-Iron Festival is renowned for featuring big-name entities alongside the industry’s finest products.

Rich History and Fusion Tattoo Ink’s Future

Many attending artists enter the Ink-N-Iron Festival understanding Long Beach’s lush history—instantly empowering any sponsored brands with heightened location comparison and brand exposure. Long Island’s rich tattoo history is famous in America. Once centered on the area’s Pike, Long Beach’s tattoo shop collection is only rivaled by Chicago and New York. Tattoo Archive Shop and Museum tattoo historian, CW Eldridge, has been covered revering the area’s potential for boosting breakout brand potential while reminding consumers of old classics.

Fusion Tattoo Ink, itself, is considered one of the market’s brightest, best ink brands. Having produced since 1995, Fusion Tattoo Ink will likely continue marketing its newest organic pigments through events like the Ink-N-Iron Festival. Practical application, for many, is an effective marketing mechanic of tattoo ink. After all, permanent products sell much better when the consumer isn’t at risk. The Ink-N-Iron Festival serves its purpose as a great brand comparison forum, where consumers and industry gurus, alike, can compare, contrast and enrich the tattoo industry’s different entrants.