Soho Studios - Miami Event Venue For Rent

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Best way to sell concert tickets online

You have created the perfect event, chosen the ideal venue, and now the final step in the process is getting the tickets sold. The Web is an excellent way to promote your event and sell event tickets. With the right setup, you can -

Choose Ticket Types

First, you will need to decide on the ticket types you are going to sell. Will you have different ticket levels based on the location in the venue or the type of food served? Will certain ticket holders get to enter earlier than others? Determine the type of tickets you will offer, and then find an online ticket distribution program that allows you to set up sales to include those different ticket options.

Find an Online Ticket Distributor

Next, find an online ticket distributor that you can use to sell your tickets. There are sites designed specifically for ticket sales which have pre-made forms that you can use to capture customer information and credit card numbers. You will want one that makes registration easy for potential buyers and collects the information you will need to deliver your tickets. Complicated forms decrease your chances of successful sales. Also, watch for the fees charged by the sales page. While some fees should be expected, your potential guests will not want to pay exorbitant fees to attend your event and buy the tickets online.


Finally, once everything is set up for you to sell your tickets, you need to get the word out to those who are interested in attending your event. Visit forums, post articles and pay for advertising promoting your event, and point people to your sales page. Once people hear about your event and are drawn to your sales page, you will likely see many visitors converted into buyers.

As you are making plans for your coming event, be sure to check Soho Studios as a venue option. Our versatile venue can be used for everything from music festivals to trade shows. Contact us today to learn more about hosting your event at Soho Studios.